Sunday, 21 April 2013

How to Care for Hair extensions! Our 10 holy commandments!

Our tongue in cheek commandments for hair extension care!

1. Thou shall not have different colour hair extensions to your hair!

2. Thou shall not use extremely heavy hair extensions that damage your hair!

3. Thou shall not pull out your hair extensions yourself and then shout that they have   
    damaged your hair!

4. Thou shall respect your hair extensions and comb or brush them gently!

5. Thou shall plait your hair extensions whilst sleeping!

6. Thou shall attend maintenance appointments!

7. Thou shall not leave your extensions in for longer then recommended!

8. Thou shall use the correct products to care for your hair!

9. Thou shall not have hair extensions around the hairline making them clearly visible to

    And finally…..

10.Thou shall not remove clip in extensions on a night out for any of the Following reasons:        
     To make your male friend in to a unattractive woman,
     To simulate extraordinary growth of hair from other body areas or
     To swing them around you head to get the bar staff’s attention!

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